Marina Protection
The main function and purpose of a wave attenuator or ‘floating breakwater’ is essentially to ‘break’ the coastal waves so that their force is reduced to an acceptable level prior to reaching the marina. Marinas must be in sheltered areas or be well-protected by suitable wave attenuators in order to safely and successfully operate floating docks. Well protected marinas are the most sought-after marina facilities by all boaters.
Additional Benefits
The floating breakwater itself offers the marina manager the opportunity to create additional moorage in what was traditionally considered to be the most exposed area. As it is protected from the waves, boats can tie-up directly to the floating concrete platform, thereby further monetising the investment in excellent wave attenuation. They are an ideal complement to aluminium floating pontoons.
Strength and Durability
The wave attenuator is made up of concrete units filled with blocks of polystyrene that meet the C50/60 standard for concrete structures.
The strength of the concrete pontoons is guaranteed: they are systematically covered and reinforced by a layer of galvanized steel (BS4449 and BS IN ISO 1461), ensuring optimal protection regardless of the site conditions (wave height, water depth, tides).
The surface of the blocks are finished with a non-slip concrete, and several standard dimensions and custom-made sizes are available to suit your needs.